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founded in April 27, 2015, in Shanghai, shenzhen, ningbo, Qingdao, tianjin, zhengzhou has branch institutions of cooperation, is the national will, China air transport association (IATA) approved a level a freight transportation company, possess qualification approved by the customs General Administration of Customs, is the international air transport association (IATA) and a full member of the world forwarder alliance (WCA).美国提供运输和物流服务已有 30 多年的丰富历史。迄今为止,我们继续扩大我们的网络,增加我们在市场上的影响力,通过全国 14 个办事处提高我们的物流能力。提供完整的服务组合,包括空运和海运、国内和跨境业务、清关和物流履行服务,使我们的客户能够进入几乎所有市场。凭借加拿大多伦多和墨西哥圣保罗,我们覆盖了绝大多数北美消费市场。